Focus on making AV materials:
Problem Solving is at the base of the project.
Audience and objective the story boarding and script will follow
Audience - Green
Behavior - Red
Condition - Yellow
Degree - BlueSchema - structure of knowledge, how you store and retrieve. Memory and problem solving. All is organized into units. Connectivity and between components, flexibility and accessibility during recall.
A recognition device, represent knowledge rather than definitions,
Video Activity
Think visually...Pictures and text....How would you capture and show it through the camera eye..
Think auditorily. listen while recording attend to auditory information.
Wide shot gives the background knowledge to help them place and get their memory skills activated.
Facilitate long term
Schema Puzzles
Activation - giving schema info
When you activate schema you help the video viewer understand and follow.
Remember schema when story boarding. Think visually. Build existing schema,
Use multi media to help learn and strengthen what you know.
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