Thursday, March 21, 2013

Video production

Lots of talk and very little notes

Howard Zettle video book

Mid shot, medium close up, closeup,
pan, zoom, truck, dolly
lead room, head room, reaction shot
two shot, over the shoulder
rule of thirds - nose center, eyes in upper third.
key light, fill light, hair/back light

Purchase LED lights.....Lowe lights

Thursday, February 28, 2013

Garage Band

Today we will focus on audio editing

Signature, bpm and key need to match the added music or loops to make a cohesive piece.

Thursday, February 21, 2013


Audio and microphonesSound - has purpose, is organized, is wanted
Noise - essentially random, typically unwanted

Clean, clear, consistent, coherent
All connected to reducing noise, acquiring sound
Literal sounds
Convey a specific literal meaningHelp tell the story by connecting to on-screen visuals
Even if speaker leaves scene but you still hear voice its connected
For example, teacher talking and student responding
Non-literal sounds
Not intended to convey literal meaningAre deliberately disconnected from on-screen visualsFor example, most musical accompaniment
Direct address- Speaker speaks directly to viewerTalking headPrimarily used to provide information
DialogueTwo or more peoplePrimarily used to communicate theme via question and answer Interview skills required
NarrationSupplies additional information/materialDescribes screen event or bridges gap for continuityOften off-screen voice-overTypically spoken word

Multiple audio going at once. FIGURE/GROUND
Listener perception - monitor the recording

Audio perception effected mic changes, expectation, settings


Classified by
How well they hear
How they are made
How they are typically used

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Stop Motion & Audio Video Equipment

Stop Motion

Imported files and changed to 1/10th of a second.
Presentations..Successes and challenges
Planing is crucial and Powerpoint was a good tool.
Auto focus was a problem
Lighting causes shadow and hue issues
Working space needs to be planned out
Revision ideas never end
You need to control the environment
Your environment drives the storyboard
Working your plan and planning your work
Starting with the end in mind

Deleted photos
Exported out as a QuickTime movie
Imported into iMovie
Adjusted duration/speed of playback for each
Music really pulls it together

The finished animated open to EDT 502

Camera settings- Super low lux. Presets for lighting
Video cameras are not still cameras you need a high quality product
Mics can be purchased for under $100

Kodak Camera

Adapter for Firewire 6pin to 800

iMovie fies - Default - Ken Burns....Applies a pan over a still

Thursday, January 31, 2013

January 31 Stop Motion Techniques

Class notes

Technology list is presented with questions and cable searches started.
1. View videos, large group storyboard, small group work.
Peter Gabriel Sledgehammer music video starting at 2:20
Stop Motion sand sculpture
Post-it Notes

You need to have a smaller vision leading to the larger vision 

Be creative and mix objects, video, graphics, music

I will provide the big idea
We will brainstorm sequences & visuals tonight
Brainstorm 5 sequences that when combined will form one video
Each sequence roughly 5-6 seconds
Brainstorming ideas should include references to objects in stop motion as well as the motion
Big idea:  30 second open to my online course SPED 502 Learning theory in special education
Volunteer to type ideas so we can see them go up
Form the groups
Each group storyboards their sequence
Draw on paper or using software
Minimum of 5 boards/pictures
Include object(s) and their motion(s)
Include notes about tripod/camera location
Include notes about where to take the pictures (lab, classroom, hallway)
No script/dialogue; we will play music under
Each group identifies resources
Digital still camera
Materials for motion
If you do not possess/own/access to materials let me know
Share your storyboard with us tonight
Need to have some degree of coordination/transition between them
2/7 Stop motion production
Bring in cameras (fully charged or with power supply)
Bring in tripods, SD cards, cables to connect to computers
I will bring in some lights
Bring in all the objects necessary for motion
We will set up the shooting, acquire the photographs
Time permitting we will put pictures on the computer
2/14 Stop motion Presentations
2/14 Technology List Presentations

Thursday, January 24, 2013


Generates more ideas
Allows for experimentation with ideas
Visualize final product
Writing for visual elements
Referred to as Previsualization
Plan your work and work your plan
Easy to make changes/edits
Easier to record when decisions are already made
More efficient time/cost wise
Keep collaborators focused on same vision/goal
Integrate media components

Plan your work and work your plan
Writing scripts include stage direction.
Who is speaking. Not only dialogue.

Share your vision through your script.

Literacy....All aspects included

A director's perspective and all that goes into a production.....
Keep monologues brief and able to edit.

How to Do A Story Board
Word table, post its, board or wall, slide presentation, Inspiration, commercial script
Templates available....
PowerPoint notes with slide

Content ideas to create a video to create to address a need, problem, goal for teaching students.

Lets Hear from Some Pros

Videographer presentation on storyboarding
Steven Spielberg on storyboarding

Schema Note Taking

Instructional design... Adding lesson plan goals and objectives to video.

Focus on making AV materials:
Problem Solving is at the base of the project.
Audience and objective the story boarding and script will follow

Audience - Green
Behavior - Red
Condition - Yellow
Degree - Blue
Schema - structure of knowledge, how you store and retrieve. Memory and problem solving. All is organized into units. Connectivity and between components, flexibility and accessibility during recall.
A recognition device, represent knowledge rather than definitions,

Video Activity
Think visually...Pictures and text....How would you capture and show it through the camera eye..
Think auditorily. listen while recording attend to auditory information.
Wide shot gives the background knowledge to help them place and get their memory skills activated.
Facilitate long term 

Schema Puzzles
Activation - giving schema info

When you activate schema you help the video viewer understand and follow.

Remember schema when story boarding. Think visually. Build existing schema,
Use multi media to help learn and strengthen what you know.