Monday, March 26, 2012


This class makes my head swim at times. It is so hard to explore everything and I want a week to just be alone to see what is out there.

I love the Flikr site and know that with the ap on my phone I can really use this. The students will love placing photos and I am wondering if we can incorporate it in the biographies. By having the residents in West Hartford pots or scan to flikr we can allow photos to be incorporated or linked to.  The project in the cloud is really amazing and I can see so many ways we can expand the collaboration in our room. I believe this next generation will be seeing and using information in so many different ways. As their teacher I want to offer opportunities and help them see the potential. The Prezi work they have done in the past 3 weeks is incredible and I have let them totally train one another. I have had some pressure from parents who feel I need to offer a tutorial. What the parents don’t understand is that the students are surpassing the teachers. Society 6 is definitely a site I want to explore and potentially purchase art. I am also thinking of posting the art work that I have created and adding it as a link to my memoir page.

I like the idea of stopping students from going on random searches. The Custom Search Engines are an interesting idea. I can see the advantage of creating a closed search environment for the younger students or setting boundaries for a search. With 5th graders heading off to middle school I think having them know how to search on the global web is beneficial. As a teacher I am having difficulty keeping up with technology and searching for what I feel are the best suites may not be the best students find. I am wondering if the students are given the task of finding sites and collecting the best they find. Possibly creating a rubric of what makes a good site and a submission form if the site meets the criteria.

I love the screen capture sites but have yet to find the application in my teaching. It is good to have it in my back pocket and I know it will come in handy. I loved Cast-O-Matic and think that demos would be great to capture.  The Teacher tube and YouTube avenues for expression and searches are amazing. I have posted videos of my daughter and many people have viewed them. I love hearing the stories of unknown people having their videos go viral. This medium breaks down the traditional route to becoming a celebrity. I need to find a quicker means of shooting and editing videos. I will be getting two cameras this week and can’t wait for the students to start exploring the possible projects.

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